Annotation driven Java open source library for automating embedded resource file handling - a convenient alternative to Class.getResourceAsStream. is a compile-time only dependency and does not need to be distributed with application code.

Usage 🔗

Browse the central repository for a build system import snippet for the uk.autores:annotations library.

Annotate a type or package and specify the resource files.

Examples 🔗

@Texts creates one class per text file that provides the file content as a String.

    import uk.autores.*;

    @Texts({"Poule.txt", "Roses.txt"})
    public class PrintRhymes {
      public static void main(String...args)  {

@Messages generates typed methods from properties files that localize and format strings.

    import uk.autores.*;
    import java.time.ZonedDateTime;
    import java.util.Locale;

    public class PrintMessage {
      public static void main(String[] args) {
        var locale = Locale.getDefault();
        int planet = 4;
        var time =;
        var event = "a meteor strike";
        /* planet-event=At {1,time} on {1,date}, there was {2} on planet {0,number,integer}. */
        String msg = Msgs.planetEvent(locale, planet, time, event);

Other annotations are @ByteArrays, @Keys, @InputStreams, and the extensible @ResourceFiles.

Versioning & Compatibility 🔗

Versions are split into three integers: Java version; major version; minor version.

Functionally identical Java 8 and Java 11 versions are published. The Java 11 version has marginally better encapsulation when modules are in use.

Modules 🔗

Use requires static uk.autores in to depend on this library at compile time only.

    module {
      requires static uk.autores;

Apache Maven 🔗

Apache Maven projects should use the provided scope.

    <!-- Maven 3 -->

If necessary make the compiler aware of the annotation processor using annotationProcessorPaths.

    <!-- Maven 3 -->

Gradle 🔗

Gradle projects must add resource files to the classpath. The library must be exposed to the annotation processor.

    // Gradle 8; Kotlin syntax
    var autores = "uk.autores:annotations:" + autoresVersion

    dependencies {